언젠가 눌러앉기/Homework

A journey by car (2013, India PSP)

하와이안걸 2014. 9. 17. 12:09

A journey by car


My husband and I like to travel very much. When we decide our traveling plan, we always hesitate about our mode of transportation. Actually we know that riding a car is more comfortable than using a train or bus. Nevertheless the reason we are worried is that I can’t drive a car.


During traveling, I always felt sorry about him driving alone. He can’t drink a glass of beer and sleep a while. I was nervous because he might not enjoy the travel.


One day an incident happened. On a holiday we were going to travel by car. It was only 1 hour to the place but it took as much as 8 hours. I was sure that he would be seriously annoyed.


Since then we decided that when we travel on holidays, we should use any other mode except a car. So now we are enjoying our travel by train, bus and airplane. The car is always in the parking  lot during the holidays.