언젠가 눌러앉기/Homework

Chapter 7 : Forced landing (2013, India PSP)

하와이안걸 2014. 9. 17. 12:21

Chapter 7 : Forced landing


In afternoon, there weren’t any demonstrators in the mine area. When the Sugar glider was preparing to leave, Mandervill appeared with his assistant. He confirmed briefly and went back. Don, Paul and the assistant checked the loads. Don was doubtful about the contents in the loads.


When they were in the sky, Don asked him about detail plan and Paul tried to carry on his own thought, even though Don was a main pilot at that time.


Don checked Judy’s condition carefully. Judy spoke her opinion about Murri people and Don was very impressed with her maturity.


At that time, they found that a fuel tank became empty and they heard noise in the engine. They felt that something went wrong. Suddenly Paul found out that it might been the propeller’s problem.


After changing the position of propeller, the Sugar glider could step on the ground. Don realized that they were nearby a farm.


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